Saturday, July 09, 2005

Top Cop - A Salute !!!

Sometimes i do wonder how often we like to, infact love to criticize others...

Open a paper and undoubtedly, we find the government and police system being slandered by the 'caring' people. And that certainly includes me. And then if you come across a completely refreshing experience which shatters the mundane image of the 'system', you just wanna live it fully..!!!

That's exactly what happened this Sat morn. We had gone to a place near Railway station. It was a so-called rehab centre for the street-smart criminal kids. There were in all 40 children (callling them kids would be injustice) who were homed there. Nearly all were caught by police in different cases of crimes (pick-pocketing, drugs, thefts.......) And it took the courage and inspiration of one of the police inspectors to come up with the idea of trying to make a difference.

He brought the children to this place which was given by Municipal Corporation. Here they live, and study too. The authorities have seen to it that they get their daily dose of schooling along with the daily bread. This place is actually part of a municipal school. So the younger ones study while the older ones work at the railway station.

Today was just an ice-breaker for all of us. We had a boat-making competition, forming 5 teams amongst them. Names of cricketers were used (though one team wanted themselves to be called as the 'D' gang - i guess surroundings do make a huge difference !!! ) The sense of team-spirit and belongingness was tried to be inculcated in them. And succeed did we surely, though in a small way today. Few songs followed it and chocolates were the finale.

All in all, a beginning was made in the right direction. Lets hope the journey is enchanting. Lets also hope that we have the will and resolve to go the distance.


neha said...

Where was this Ank? In Mumbai? Poona?

Aniket said...

Poona....saturday morning...went there even this sat..was gr8 feeling. Shall post about this soon !!!