Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Breaking the news ...

Just a couple of weeks ago, the cable walas stopped showing 'inappropriate' content on the TVs. As a result, the stalwarts like HBO , Star movies, faded away. But, surprisingly, we also had every other movie channel following the same fate. The result being entertainment was clipped of its wings and as always the customers had to bear the brunt of it. Well, i dont intend to go into the details of this controversy - that would account for a separate blog !!! So, amindst this dearth of entertainment, we (roomies) wondered what to watch on TV. Prompt came the reply from one my friends - India TV !!!

For a few ignorant souls - India TV is one of the many many 24x7 news channels. The motto of most of these channels is to show the truth, get to the root of the problems and present the 'facts' to the viewers in the fastest possible time. Truly, all these channels serve towards getting transparency in any matter concerning (or not concerning) the common man. Surely, the magnanimity of their social awareness and plilanthropic activities knows no limits. I am indeed blessed to have seen the social revolution ignited by these dedicated bunch of people. Really inspiring - right ? Then is it that the channel was thought of as a perfect substitute for any other entertaining channel ???

No doubt, my friend should be questioned over his irresponsible comments. How on earth can you afford to challenge the motive of that noble channel !!! So what if Rakhi-Mika controversy was given more importance than the political turmoil elsewhere .... so what if Prince's rescue overshadowed resuce of hundreds of Indians from Lebanon .... so what if a certain cobra found in a courier made it to the breaking news .... so what if a ghost driving people away from school was more important than the terror strikes. Here it's proved, they care for the common man - cobra, ghost, Rakhi, Mika everyone is surely linked deeply to the common man of India. Of course Prince vindicated his name when he single handedly accounted for 36 hrs (dunno the exact figure !) of non-stop truth presented to the concerned viewers. And no....India TV wasnt/isnt the only one - the entire news industry did/does it bit (more than bit actually) towards the betterment of their fellow countrymen.

On a serious note though (just in case u thought i wasnt serious yet), under the name of 24x7 coverage of facts and in the race of being first to report the news, these channels are surely breaking the true essence of news. The emotions and sensitivity of the issue are kept miles away and focus is simply on who wins the brutal race. They dont see any harm in interviewing the bereaved just moments after the blast, they dont see the damage that can be done while showing the disastrous effects of terror live on screen, they dont hold themselves repsonsible for propogating andhashraddha amongst the uneducated masses .... Under the mask of showing the truth, these anti social elements have the sole aim of increasing their TRPs, be it at the cost of consciousness !!!

Yet, with all these factors known, these channels still thrive and would continue to do so. After all, the supply of any product is only as good as the demand - and who doesnt like to watch some exciting breaking news !!!


Anonymous said...

An insirping critique on the Fourth Estate. yes, I've felt for a long time now that the press and media needs to become responsible. What has happened is that for the first 45 odd years of our independence, TV media was a state owned enterprise. After privitisation was allowed in it, it has been treated as more of a business and commodity selling enterprise rather than a goal or mission based medium for reflecting on the society... rarely do I see important news brought to viewers attention...

these people need to pull up their socks or its going to be a cheap show at a flea market soon...

Nice article Aniket, you see, simple people like you can bring out such nice observations of daily life which should actually make it to the newspapers as a Reader's contributions... thought about giving it a try? :)

Anonymous said...

A brilliant piece filled with ur trademark satire...wat struck me as i read both ur recent blogs back to back is how beautifully u bring out ur sentiments when u write something u r passionate about and how brutally u attack issues which need to be addressed...this terrific gift of using words to ignite a lamp of hope and inspiration as well as flames of revolution is wat awes me everytime i read ur lines...keep writing pal

Sharmili said...

well, i dont see that i would be able to write anything which is not covered in the 'elaborate' comments above :)

so, just saying "KEEP WRITING".. its nice to read ur blogs :)))))